COCO - CAPE-OPEN to CAPE-OPEN simulation environment

ICOFEStream interface

The ICOFEStream is exposed by the COFE stream objects. COFE stream objects can be obtained by ICOFEDocument.GetStream.

The following methods are exposed by the ICOFEStream interface:

declared as: [propget] HRESULT DownstreamUnit([out, retval] IDispatch** pVal);
return value: pVal: reference to the downstream unit operation, if any
description: returns the downstream unit operation if the stream is connected on the downstream side, or Nothing. The downstream unit is passed on as the CAPE-OPEN unit operation that is imported into COFE. See ICOFEDocument.GetUnit for a description of exposed interfaces for unit operation objects. See also UpstreamUnit.

declared as: [propget] HRESULT ([out, retval] eStreamType* pVal);
return value: pVal: stream type of the stream
description: returns the type of stream (STREAMTYPE_MATERIAL for material streams, STREAMTYPE_ENERGY for energy streams, or STREAMTYPE_INFORMATION for information streams). See ICOFEDocument.GetStream for a description of exposed interfaces for each type of stream.

declared as: [propget] HRESULT UpstreamUnit([out, retval] IDispatch** pVal);
return value: pVal: reference to the upstream unit operation, if any
description: returns the upstream unit operation if the stream is connected on the upstream side, or Nothing. The upstream unit is passed on as the CAPE-OPEN unit operation that is imported into COFE. See ICOFEDocument.GetUnit for a description of exposed interfaces for unit operation objects. See also DownstreamUnit.